This currency convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 25, 2025.
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The Mexican Peso is the currency in Mexico (MX, MEX).
The symbol for MXN can be written Mex$.
The Mexican Peso is divided into 100 centavos.
The exchange rate for the Mexican Peso was last updated on March 25, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund.
The MXN conversion factor has 6 significant digits.
Currency Conversion Comments
i have quinientos pesos i need to covert to convert to u.s.dollars
need american money
A 1989 2000 peso bill is equivalent now to 2 Mexican pesos. That would be about 20 US cents. But that bill is no longer in circulation since 1991.
To cynthia:
500 pesos would be roughly equivalent to 50 US dollars
Where can I exchange peso coins? - not paper bills.
i have an 5000 mexican pesos to convert to american dollars...can someone tell me what i can do?
I have:
2 Veinte Pesos-Banco De Mexico S.A. notes
1 cein Pesos-El Banco De Mexico S.A. notes
1 Dos Mil Pesos-El Banco De Mexico note
1 Cincuenta Pesos-El Banco De Mexico note
8 $100 Estados Unidos Mexicanos coins
4 $1,000 Estados Unidos Mexicanos coins
4 Cinco Peso coins
1 $500 Estados Unidos Mexicanos coin
10 Peso Estados Unidos Mexicanos coins
The local US Bank would not exchange this currency, the notes were old issue, the coins to heavy. Could you advise value and place of echange...Mexican Embassey? Airport?
what is it wortin us currentcy
Where can i change it and how much is it worth today its an emergency
Where can I change these here in naples florida?
I have a 1988 $100 estados unidos mexicanos that I need to convert to US dollars!
how and where can i exchange pesos for us dollars
what is dos mil pesos (2000) mexican dollars worth?
I have a 50000 El Banco De Mexico (1990) bill that is torn and is taped I will be going to Mazatlan soon. Would I be able to cash it there and roughly how much is it worth?
I have a 2000 Pesos bill from El Banco de much is this worth today in US Dollars?
It's Dated Feb. 24, 1987.
Thank you!
1 paper diez mil pesos
2 paper cinco mil pesos
I need to know where/if I can exchange these in the Cincinnati, Oh. area for USD
Thank you!
I have 400.00 worth of coins from Mexico and I would like to change them into cash in the United States. I have been to a number of banks and they won't take them. Only one said they will take the cash but no change.
Not sure what sense that makes?
I live in SA, Texas and would like to find a place that will do this. Any suggestions??
Thank You.
i live in north carolina and the bank said it was worth 2.00 dollars. but the computor says 184.61. Where can i get the right amount of money exchanged to US dollars?
thank you janet cook
I have ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS 100$ coin.On that coin V. CARRANZA Picture is there established in 1988. Tell me how to convert dollar into Rupees. I Live in india.I went to exchange offices , they told me , u have to try in Airport. is this correct?Tell me What to do?
I sent money to financial institution in Mexico (Lloyd). They converted USD to Peso at 10.55 even though I thought it was 10.89 according o NYSE. Can someone explain?
anyone know what this may convert to?
Is it still possible to exchange a 1989 20000 veinte mil pesos for american money? If the bill is no longer in circulation, does that mean it has no value anymore?
I have 5 Cinco Mil pesos 1980 is it worth anything?
i live in attleboro mass how do i cash then in for the right ammont of 45.95 us dollars
I have a 2000 dos mil pesos. Can I still use this note in mexico or is it obsolete?
I have a mexican bill worth 5000 pesos.
Is it worth anything
I Just read on line that old mexican money (I have a 1989 2000 el banc de mexico peso) is no longer in circulation, they have been replaced by more modern bills... anything from 1992 back is no longer considered currency, and is not worth very much.. JUST MY LUCK to have something that's not worth very much.
I have a 1989 2000 peso bill (mxn) that I need to convert to U.S. dollars! If the bill is no longer in circulation, does that mean it no longer has value? Where can I get the right amount of money exchanged to US dollars? I also have a 1991 $100 Estados Unidos Mexicanos coin that I need to convert to US dollars! Where in the Washington DC area can I go for a fair exchange.
I have a 1987 El Banco De Mexico Pacos is it worth anything today? If so how much and where I can get it exchanged?
I have a $1,000 pesos coin. I would like to exchange it into U.S. currency. I asked the local airport about it and they told me for a coin that old, there was no value. Is this true? Isn't money-money? Do you have any advise where else I can try?
i need to convert 500 pounds to pakistan corrency
I have 6 Cinco Mil Pesos (5000) and 4 Dos Mil Pesos (2000) all dated 1985. Does is still have a value in US Dollars? If it doesn't does it still have a value in Mexico?
can i still get U.S. currency for this coin
how much is it worth to day
what is this worth in the us
How much is this worth in U.S. money? And where can I cash it in???
Is this coin of any value. We were remodling the house which is 175-200 years old. When we took the ceiling down which was added later over the years. We found this coin the date looks like 1887 it has a mans pic in the middle and on the left the date and some name have to get the ole mag out to read it on the r side it has a M looks like with somethingover top it
i have an 1987 5000 peso bill where can i cash it in at
I have 2 50000 1990 issue pesos, the bank could not exchange they said they were too old, where can I exchange
I have 26,000 Mexican Pesos dated 1988 that I would like to exchange for US dollars.
it has $100, 1985 on one side and says estados unidos mexicanos on the other side
please tell me im not quite sure how it works the only number i can find on the bill says ANO2004 is that the year it was made?
I have $500 MXN coin, where can I cash it in to get the amount said on the computer
I need help. I have Mexican pesos that I need to exchange to US dollars. Is it still doable, the money is old?
1 - 1000 El Banco de Mexico issued 1984
1 - 5000 El Banco de Mexico issued
15 - 10000 El Banco De Mexico issued 1983 & 1982
i have a coin it has a engel w/ a snake in its mouth on front then on back it has n$ much is it worth..the year is 1995 also i guess bass in the middle of coin and silver cover the rest of the coin
I have a 10,000 Diez Mil Pesos
Serie PR
ElBanco De Mexico
Is this bill still in circulation and if so is it worth anything?
I was told these coins are no longer in circulation and that they have no value. Is this true? And if not where can I exchange for U.S. money in my area. Lynn, Massachusetts
5000 iraq money in american money
how do I go about converting these 2 1989 2000 pesos to USD. Where do I go and get this done. Hving problem getting this accomplished.
I have a paper bill from Mexico, that I was told is one million pesos. How much is this in U.S. dollars??? And is there somewhere to cash it in???
you take 2000 and divide by Mexico conversion rate. Example: rate on 4/27/07 is $10.915 so you get $183.24 US dollars